Growing up, I have heard so many sermons and illustrations about the life of Job. But this morning at church, I had the opportunity to listen and learn and be reminded from my friend's thoughts and point of view about this book in a distinct way. Not that he correlated it with a board game, a basketball and a cooking pot (admired his creativity though) but in a way where I was able to relate to what he conveyed completely. The life of Job never made a profound impact to my life until these last 4 years. Job has been an inspiration and has impacted me in a deeper way.
I grew up in a Christian home. Both my parents served actively at church before I was born. Majority of my days were spent serving at church together with my family. My life was house, school and church. (A part of my house was even rented for church building. So literally, I was living at church.) I could say that I was well-protected of pain and suffering. I had never felt so much pain until these last 4 years. I remember myself telling my parents that I was hesitant to share the Gospel to my friends since I couldn't relate to their experiences. However, GOD works things amazingly and surprisingly.
In the last 4 years, there were two things that have brought so much pain to me. My youngest brother died in a tragic way last May 4, 2011, a day after his 11th birthday. Here. He was drowned in the river close to the subdivision where we live. His body was found after 40 hrs of search and rescue in the Davao river. I was so wretched at that time. I didn't imagine that among all of us, he would go first, at a very young age. Three years after, my Papa passed away last October 2014 due to kidney complications. We were at the hospital for almost 2mos. Here. I had thoughts about it before, that one day GOD will call him back HOME but never thought it was in that way and it was sooner from what's desired. Brokenness and pain were so evident in my spiritual life at that time that though I constantly talk to GOD, but it was more about the pain that I felt towards what happened. I know death is inevitable but that was my #1 fear. Not that, I feared death but I was frightened with the pain, emptiness and longing that comes with it.
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This verse has been a constant reminder for the past 4 years. |
Today's sermon reminded me that even Job, the most righteous and richest man in his time experienced pain. Experienced losses, not only one or two family members but the entire household in just one time event. Satan even inflicted physical ailment upon him. The worst thing was, he didn't have a friend who would encourage him during his mourning and grief. Even his own wife, discouraged him and told him to curse GOD. However, Job remained strong and faithful to HIM!! He surpassed the test and came out victorious. Because of his faithfulness, GOD replaced his losses far better than what he had. His story reminded me that GOD gives and takes away. We may never understand HIS ways and HIS plans BUT everything that HE does is always justified and fits HIS plans and purposes. It's definitely okay to ask GOD and pour out what I feel regarding a situation. Job's life is an assurance that I can come and lay down everything I feel and just be totally honest with GOD with the things that hurt and disappoints me. The last thing that reminded me was, GOD might have allowed suffering in our lives because of our faithfulness. The way we see ourselves is smaller, it is way better and greater from the person HE sees in us. HE always sees the bigger picture. HE sees mighty men and women of GOD who can surpass testings and trials and will come forth as GOLD refined by fire.
I don't normally show my appreciation to Jonathan's sermons, though most of them were really good ones. But this one was splendid and understandable!! I guess that, I was able to relate well with the thoughts he was delivering. He definitely did a great job. To GOD be the glory for his life. Way to go, brother!! :)