October 07, 2011

Crushed and broken for a purpose.

Are you going through hard times lately? Maybe recently you've been having a hard time with your studies, jobs, co-worker, classmates or a family member or you've been dealing with a death of someone so close to you? or maybe you think that there's nothing good in life that can happen to you.

Whatever you're dealing right now, I want you to know that you're not alone. All of us or most of us have been dealing with problems, big or small but there is always something good that comes out from every tough spot that we're in right now.

One example is JESUS CHRIST, HE experienced hard times too.. on the night before HE was crucified. While in the Garden of Gethsemane,HE asked the FATHER if what HE is about to go could be taken away from HIM, but HE had to decide to go through it and obey HIS FATHER's will. (Matt. 26:36-42)

And we know that in all things,
GOD works together for the good 
of those who love HIM 
who have been called 
according to HIS purpose.
Rom. 8:28

This is usually one of the key scriptures for Christians when we go through hard and disappointing times. For the past 5 months I have been clinging to this word as HIS promise not just to me but also to my family since my little brother went back to Heaven.Though things does not happen in our life the way we want it to be, we can always believe in GOD that HE will work things out for good.

I remember how grapes becomes red wine, it needs to be crushed and pressed for it to become a delicious wine and the pearl, there should be dirt so pearls will be formed. 

For the past months I've been struggling with longingness. Missing my little brother so much lately is very strong. But no matter how many times I cried,GOD tell me to cling to HIM and believe in HIM that there is always dancing after mourning and joy after sorrow. I believe he is safer with HIM up there now. :)

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